Friday, April 20, 2012

Will the Jewish Third Temple Soon be Rebuilt?

"Impossible". "It'll never happen." "It is going to be the end of the East as we know it." These are comments from people everytime someone mentions that Israel will build the third temple on the Mount of the Temple in Jerusalem. I have to say that I would totally agree with them due to the political climate in the world. However, is this little book called the Bible explains not only the Jews will build a third Temple, but it gives instructions to the two witnesses as to where exactly to be built on the Temple Mount. Revelation 11: 2-3 States, "but leaves out of its measurement the Tribunal outside the sanctuary of God;" Omitted, is delivered to the Gentiles (the Nations), and trample the Holy City underfoot for 42 months (three and a half years). And given the power of prophecy to my two witnesses for 1,260 (42 months, three and a half years), dressed in sackcloth. "Do although there is some controversy as to who are the two witnesses - Enoch?" Elijah? Did Moses? - is not a dispute to build the third Jewish Temple, the only question is when.

The first Jewish Temple (Solomon's Temple) was built around 950 BC and was destroyed by the Babylonians in 586 BC. The second Jewish Temple (Herod's Temple) was built around 20 BC and destroyed by the Romans in 70 AD. Since then, the only vestige of the Temple of Herod has been the wailing wall. Islamic buildings, the dome of the rock and the mosque of Al Aqsa, now occupy the area of the mount where he was previously the temples. Decades after the destruction of Herod's temple, the Muslims built the dome of the rock and Al-Aqsa in 688 AD and 705 AD, respectively. The dome of the rock and Al-Aqsa are two of the most important symbols in Islam. However, since that Israel claimed the city of Jerusalem during the 1967 six day war, there has been discussion among the Jews about the rebuilding of the third temple where currently two Islamic buildings.

Gershon Saloman, an Israeli soldier during the six day war, has never forgotten the words of his commander he exclaimed after the victory, "The Temple Mount is once again our hands". That same day, Salomón heard the call of God for him rebuild the third Temple. Since 1967, Salomón has formed the Mount of the temple and the land of faithful movement Israel; its objectives are:

Release the Temple Mount from Arab occupation of the dome of the rock and the mosque of Al Aqsa.
Consecrating the Mount of the Temple in the name of God.
Reconstruction of the Temple of third parties in accordance with the words of the Hebrew prophets.

You may 25, 2006, the faithful movement has devoted two 6 pillars of marble half ton for the third Temple. The stones of the future Temple are already prepared.

Even more surprising, on 10 October 2006, MK Uri Ariel (member of the Knesset) drew up plans to build a synagogue in the Temple Mount. How amazing!? Ariel has publicly announced its intentions to the world. Not to mention, the British historian, Sean Kingsley says in his book of gold of God, the Temple Treasures stolen by the Romans in 70 AD are buried in the Judean desert, waiting to be discovered.

Many people believe after the war of Gog-Magog, with miraculous defeat of the Persian and Russian army Israel; the Jews will build the third temple on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem for the Israel Dios, who surprisingly saved them from their enemies. Once again will kick off the sacrifices of the Temple of the past. Seemingly incredible events rapidly taking place in the world which many thought would never happen. As biblical prophecy continues to alignment, remember the words of Jesus Christ, "when these things begin to take place, stand up and raise your head," for his redemption is at hand (Luke 21: 28).

York Nevada, author of journey to salvation, caught up and revelation of mahogany, launched his latest book in July 2004 to rave reviews from readers. Nevada published novels are an achievement that has been well worth the wait. You don't be deterred, it has bought its determination on the publication of two memorable novels.