Saturday, March 10, 2012

Buddhists and Islam a Dark Past of Death

Many Buddhists do not support the war in Iraq and they want peace throughout the region. Who can blame anyone wishing for peace, that is the noblest goal of mankind, but is mankind ready for peace yet or are we simply doomed to repeat in a continual loop? Will the Middle East ever be peaceful?

Speaking of history it should be noted that Muslim invaders destroyed temples and killed monks only a few hundred years ago. In the world of Islam that is recent history and if this same attitude now permeates some of the international terrorists who "claim" Islamic faith then indeed the Buddhists might wish to reconsider their defense. Surely, everyone wants peace, but that is no reason not to defend against tyranny or the killing of innocent life.

In past periods when the "Muslim Invaders" rode into the Buddhist Temples to slaughter the Buddhist Monks, it painted a dark spot on the era and region. It created a rift between the two different religious ways of thinking. Slaughtering the peaceful Buddhist Monks was a horrific act of coward-ness, as the Buddhist Monks were un-armed and had no intention of fighting back.

Nevertheless they were slaughtered where they sat, stood and prayed. It is amazing that those of the Buddhist religion and way of life do not hold animosity or revenge for these acts of long ago. Yet it is equally amazing that such horrific acts of killing innocent people still go on today in the name of religion. Think on this.

"Lance Winslow" - Online Think Tank forum board. If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance; Lance is an online writer in retirement.