Friday, July 27, 2012

The Gospel of Judas - "Jesus was not crucified"

The Gospel of Judas of Christian Gnostic (knowledge) was made public this week, and Judas was the hero not the traitor. This was only the tip of the iceberg: the Gospels Gnostic Christians also tell us that Jesus was not crucified. The pre Christian Gnostic Gospels date the 4 Gospels in the New Testament. The Gospel of Judas was one of the Gnostic Gospels of Christian (knowledge) burned by the fathers of the Church in the Council of Nicea in 325 AD and discovered in Egypt in the city of Naj Hammadi by a farmer in 1945. The Gnostic knowledge of Christ many Gospels were burned by the church fathers because they did the 4 Gospels that put in the New Testament in 325 AD look ridiculous. In the Gospel of Judas, Judas was the hero and disciple more confidence doing the will of Christ. Pope Benedict seemed to the child by putting your thumb in the hole in the dam of this week when he called Judas a "double Crosser", paste to the line of the party despite the new evidence to the contrary.

Well, this revelation about Judas is nothing compared to others in the Christian Gospels of knowledge. In the Qur'an (Sura Chapter 4: 156) the angel Gabriel, who brought the good news to Mary says that the Prophet Muhammad that indeed Jesus was not crucified, a likeness, an impostor was because it was the story in the Gospels of the Christian knowledge who were burned by the fathers of the Church forever (expected) 1,700 years ago.

The Gnostic Gospel of Judas never mentions the crucifixion or resurrection. Seth was the third son of Adam and Eve. Name of Seth, Sethians were a group of Christian Gnostics (knowledge). In the Christian Gospel, called "The second Treaty of the great Seth," 19 of 56.6 in NHL 332 Jesucristo said to Simon, "was another... that drank the gall and vinegar;" wasn't I... was another Simon carrying the cross on his shoulder. It was another who placed the Crown of thorns. But I I rejoice in the height (the hills)... his mistake. And I was laughing at their ignorance. (thinking it was that they were to crucify) ". The Gospels of the Christian Gnostic knowledge contradict the authorized Canon4 Gospels in the New Testament without ceasing. The 4 Gospels of the New Testament contradict each other endlessly. This is only the tip of the iceberg.

One only need to look well in the Bible to see what is really happening. God the father said through the Prophet Isaiah that the writers of the Bible, priests and prophets who wrote the Bible, "the scribes were creating for the people a safe haven, a refuge, lies and falsehoods, (Isaiah undercut-15) that would make people fall back and be broken and trapped and taken." (Isaiah 28: 9-13). God the father called the Holy Bible "The word of Satan!" God told the scribes, "you prophesied by Baal, Beelzebub, Satan"! (Jeremiah 2: 8). God the father said: "(scribes) say, 'Says the Lord,' when the Lord has not sent them, and are still awaiting the fulfillment of his word!" (Ezekiel 13: 6). Jesus threw an absolute tirade in Matthew 23, calling the writers of the Bible, the scribes, lying poisonous snakes that issued their own racist hateful deadly lies divisive right in your Bible and signed, "said Dios", and "said Jesus". Jesus criticized the scribes and those who followed the same old testament, followed by Judaism, Christianity and Islam today.

In fact, hell Yes is an invention of modern writers of the Bible. There is an asterisk next to it in the new revised version of the Bible ever mentioned hell. The Bible was written in Greek, and each time Jesus says Gehenna or SHEOL his Bible modern authors to replace his own words, "Hell". Gehenna was a place outside Jerusalem where the Jewish people Jewish and not sacrificed their children in the fire altars to the God Baal, Satan. SEOL was a underground place where good and evil spirits dwelled together after death. Jesus spoke of SEOL all the time. In accordance with the law of Jesus in the Bible, everyone is going to hell, Sheol, after death, good and evil spirits. How long can Christianity survive on a basis of what God the father infinitely called "lies" right in the Holy Bible? It has not caused enough suffering, or you all will allow you now take everything into extinction in Nuclear world war 3?

The Temple of love - the religion of world peace unites Christianity Islam Judaism and all over the world and countries live all by tying them all together with common elements and resolve all their differences once and for all, including the establishment of the register directly on the passion of Christ. Come and get all the story with biblical quotes and new evidence. They come to help to save the world with truth, love, Dios of Mount Sinai and following the true Word of God, "10ve", the 10 commandments, once you see what really means and powerful that they truly are.

Karen fish is a writer who lives in Los Angeles, California. The Temple of love the peace of humanity