I heard something the other day that caught my attention and let me see things quite differently. It is that you can not do anything about the past and has no control over the future and actually all you have is the present. Why is that so important, well, someone is trying to waste his time and time is the most precious we have because here it comes, you need all of his time to do things that are positive for humanity it.? I do know, his thinking probably, oh please not another speech of God, but the fact is the going to die, everyone going no matter how powerful they are or what they have and when you reach that moment have nothing with you except who you are and his exploits.
I say this because I am looking forward to get as many people perhaps, just perhaps remind you that we have a creator and everything we do, what normally is only ourselves (self worship) not worth anything. There is life, there is death and the life after that is custom to be part of, at least the good place. Can't do it all or much of any part of it (solve current problems) without our wisdom of creators and permission, only he can and will do whatever is necessary. Do not have the knowledge and if you think you do, to consider. I know enough to know that I know nothing. In comparison with the miracles of everything, we can not recreate even the simplest things. Am not going to go and but just remember time is running out and you lose everything unless it is the goodness of his soul. Peace and blessings for all of us and my our Creator have mercy on us.
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