Monday, June 18, 2012

I love your enemy?

Progress towards winning the Islamic world after Barack Hussein Obama landmark speech in Cairo continues to the detriment, of course, the tiny democratic country in the Middle East, Israel. Barack Hussein Obama is trying to win the hearts of all Muslims, including those who have committed horrendous attacks terrorists against the civilian population, such as Hamas.

As you will recall, the United States under Obama requested that Congress provide 840 million dollars in aid to the Palestinian Authority, as well as for the reconstruction of the Gaza Strip which, as you well know, is administered by a terrorist organization, Hamas, that do not recognize Israel, not renounce violence against the Jewish State and do not want to abide by previous agreements. Republican representative Mark Steven Kirk, was quoted as saying that this proposal was agreement to support a Government that "has only a few Nazis" in it. It does not matter; strengthening of the sworn enemies of Israel is part of the long list of strategy of the Obama win the good auspices of the Arab world with its stockpile of oil, and censure Israel.

Understanding of the Obama of the Islamic world and its current leaders extremists is perceived through distorted lens. The 9/11 atrocity was committed by a majority of Muslims Wahabee paid by friend of Obama, Saudi Arabia, who preach this particularly vicious hatred of the West that not to mention soft by Obama can discourage them from pursuing his messianic goal of spreading Islam worldwide unfaithful. The same goes for entities such as Hamas, Hezbullah, Al Qaeda, Syria and Iran.

Obama team has been heavily involved in negotiations with Syria, another sworn enemy of the Jewish State. Currently, the President of Syria, Bashad Assad, reported as having sent a letter to Obama full of praise about the July 4 independence day and has even invited him to come to Syria. You may think that this demonstrates a successful effort by the administration of Obama, to win these enemies as friends; After all, who needs enemies? The next step for Obama is to send an Ambassador to Syria hoping to promote peace and stability in the Middle East. President Bashar Assad is a fervent hater of Israel and a denier of the Holocaust whose survival is based on the indoctrination of his people to hate Israel. In his anti-Semitic education, Israel is the new Satan, the State which must be destroyed for the old dream of Arabs of pan-Arabism. You can bet that Assad, through his flattery is to seek to Obama as the new disguised as Islamic Savior. Much to love your enemies!

Chamberlain overtures as Barack Hussein Obama to the Islamic world not only not miserably, but rebound with a vengeance. Israel should not end up being the sacrificial lamb for an administration that only cares for their own interests; After all, currently the US economy is in ruins and who do not want a repeat of the Arab oil embargo of 1973 that important blow to the economy. Israel should be cautious and hold tight to their defenses even if it means diverting money from U.S., because the survival of the country and the security of the citizens of Israel are on the line.

My name is Yip Bop and my blog is titled beyond news enlighten you on our world with stories and ideas that can not be written in his diary. I started this blog in 2009 after many years of editorial written, maturity, spirituality and an innate talent to translate thoughts and daily events in a more understandable and direct way to free humanity from the deception and lies to see our world through a new and realistic Prism.

Beyond of news they will generally address and comment on different political, social, religious and economic and view items in Israel and the world. These trials will be not be politically left, right, Center, the aim is to present the truth or the comments are based on nothing more than made documented.

On other occasions, this blog will also review medical advances, problems of patients and comment and advise on these issues.