Saturday, March 3, 2012

The Evil Eye in Islam - Protecting Against the Evil Eye

The evil eye has been part of the Islam belief since the earliest times and is based on the belief that a piercing, coveting glare from a person can inflict actual misfortune on a person. Most of the time, the evil look is founded on jealousy and envy. The Islam religion recognizes that the effects of the eye are facts and provides several precautionary measures to guard against it. The mention of the concept or the theory can alluded to from various sections of the holy book or even stories associated to the Prophet Mohammad.

In the early times of the Islam religion, the evil eye was considered responsible for a variety of misfortunes that befell the religion's members. These misfortunes can range from diseases, withering crops, and most of all, death. The effects can vary and is mainly connected to the concept due to perception of the receiver and how it is thought that the eye is the cause of these mishappenings.

These effects however, can be avoided. According to the Islam belief, the eye can bring negative effects but never out of Allah's will. Its negative effects will not take effect unless Allah wills it to. This is why the Islam religion teaches that it should not bring fear to anyone because Allah still holds the power over evil eye in religion.

Nonetheless, the Islam religion recommends several precautionary measures against the evil eye. First of all, seeking Allah's protection is the most effective measure against the effects of the evil eye. Constantly remembering Allah can help build a shield to protect you from Satan and any possible effect of an evil eye and from any other form of witchcraft. One must also trust Allah and have faith in his persevering protection.

Observing piety in obedience of Allah's word is also one way to protect oneself. One must also demonstrate peace and perseverance at all times. One must guard his own thoughts so that he will not be affected by envy or dwell on any negative, coveting thoughts. This almost becomes contradictory since the entire concept is based on the fact that the effects are a result of another's negative thoughts. Of course the thoughts do not necessarily have to be negative and it could be caused by the harmless envy of the onlooker.

The defense against the concept in Islam is the "turn the other cheek" concept in which the victim  should do good to the source. This includes speaking kindly to them and treating them with compassion like a friend. According to this concept, this will eventually turn the enemy into a friend. Aside from that, the Islam religion also recommends doing rugya and washing off envy by pouring water on oneself in case a person gets the eye.

Despite all these precautionary measures, a lot of Islam believers as well as those who simply believe in the truth behind the concept rely on various protective measures to defend themselves from the evil eye. Several people trust lucky charms that can fend off the effects of the evil eye. These charms are also known as the lucky eye, or simply evil eye jewelry to mean jewelry that protects against the evil eye. Evil eye jewelry includes bracelets, pendants, key chains, and a variety of other charms. There are silver, gold, and beaded ones so people can also choose the ones they prefer. This kind of jewelry is available for men, women, and kids, so all can be protected from the negative effects.

Angie Uras is the sales and marketing manager of JEYLA, the evil eye jewelry store. Angie has been working with production,marketing, and sales of evil eye jewelry for over 10 years. She currently resides in Chicago, IL but is involved in evil eye sales and marketing all over the world with close contacts in Turkey as well as a wholesaler for evil eye shops in Australia, Mexico, Spain, Canada, Russia, Greece and throughout the US.