Thursday, March 8, 2012

5 Controversial Differences Seen As Similarities Between Christianity and Islam

Christians never view Muslims as enemies. And let's leave the Muslims to speak for themselves. But some people are beginning to absorb some misleading issues about the similarities between the two religions, thereby causing Blasphemy, just in the name of making the followers of these two 'religions' re-think and unite. This should never be. If we want to unite, we should use our own human instincts and maturity, our senses of responsibility and senses of peace to do so and not trying to manipulate the word of God.

1. Christians and Muslims do not worship the same God of the Old testament. The God of the Christians right from the time of the creation operates as more than one person and this can be found in Genesis 1:26 When He said "Let us make man in our image, according to our Likeness, let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air and over the cattle, over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps on Earth". Also, people should stop this misleading thought that Christians hate non-believers, gay people, atheists and women's right organization. This is totally absurd. Even God loves them all and He said It that it is not His intention that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance. Christians only preach against their deeds which are against the standard of God. On the other hand, the Muslims vehemently oppose this Truth. They believe God is one in one personality.

2. Someone wrote 'Christians and Muslims love their children". Well! Who doesn't love his children? Must you be a Christian or a Muslim before you love your kids? That seems ambiguous and until this point is very clear, it stands to be very weak.

3. In Christianity, both the end and the means matter a lot. By saying the Muslims and Christians believe in a wonderful Life after Life is quite a similarity. But even this after life is totally different. Christians will get to Heaven only through one way and He is Jesus Christ (Acts4:12), while the Muslims through Mohammed with plenty of golden virgins awaiting them. This can never be found in the eternal home of the Christians.

4. Actually, it is true that both religions believe in specific paths as the only way to God. But Christianity does not preach violence and killing. Even If the middle-east incidence is cited as a reference, the Israelis are mostly the followers of Judaism, which is different from Christianity (though with similar origin). Christianity is far above science which as well came out from Christianity origin and Judaism. That is why science will find it difficult to prove the efficacy of Christianity. The day a son proves how His father came to be will be the day when science will prove the efficacy of Christianity.

5. Islam has a one way approach to its followers and if peradventure you decide to change faith from Islam, the other followers have the right to kill you. But Christianity is not this way. You have the liberty because you have your Bible and God. If you do whatever pleases you, you will definitely face God on the judgment day. The Bible has been translated in different English versions, styles and languages just for believers all around the world to know the truth and all secrets for themselves without been enslaved to their religious leaders. Unlike Islam, if you do not know Arabic, you cannot read the Koran and hence the only option is to listen to your leader.

In conclusion, though the two religions may combine to take over 2 billion out of the over 6 billion people of the world's population, they stand far apart in comparison.

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