Sunday, June 10, 2012

Principios del preámbulo de la Constitución

Principles of the preamble:

The following principles are enshrined in the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan.

i. sovereignty:

Above all the world sovereignty belongs to Allah almighty and also in Pakistan, the first sovereign is Allah and the powers received from him as a delegate or a trustee is exercised by elected representatives of the people.

II. Federation:

The Constitution says that Pakistan is a federal State with autonomous units.

III. democratic State:

Pakistan is a democratic State. The preamble states that "State exercised his power and his authority through elected representatives of the people". and "where in the principles of democracy, freedom, equality, tolerance, listed by Islam should be fully respected".

IV. Forms of Government:


P.L.J. 2005 SC 1241

He held the Pakistan Constitution do not provide purely parliamentary form of Government according to Western modern Minister instead Pakistan has developed its own political system in order to satisfy the status of finding here.

v. Islamic injections:

Under the Constitution of the Muslims of Pakistan will be enabled to order their lives in the individual and collective speheres according to the Koran and the Sunna. Qur'an and Sunna will be the basic source of law and all laws existing in Pakistan will be carried out in accordance with the principles of Islam.

VI. fundamental rights:

The Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan provides the fundamental rights of its citizens.

VII. integrity of Pakistan:

The preamble of the Constitution states that "in which the integrity of the territories of the sovereign rights of federations etc. in land sea and air must be protected".

VIII. the equality of rights and protection of minorities:

As citizens of Pakistan minorities have equal rights and protection. The preamble proclaims that "appropriate arrangements will be made to safeguard the legitimate interests of minorities and backward and depressed classes".

IX. the independence of the judiciary:

Independence of the judiciary is basic principles of the constitutional system of Government. Independence of the judiciary is guaranteed by the Constitution.

x peace, prosperity and the happiness of humanity:

Preamble says that the people of Pakistan may prosper and achieve their legitimate honor place among the Nations of the world and its Constitution complete towards the peace and happiness of mankind.

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