It is, of course, a given that Judaism, Christianity and Islam have never been successful as arbiters of morality. These religions have, in fact, been the source of much of the immorality that has plagued the Western and mid-Eastern hemispheres of the planet since their inception. You might say that after men created God in their own image everything went to Hell!
It is no doubt true that Judaism, Christianity and Islam were founded with the best of intentions but it was not long before they were turned them into instruments of discrimination, oppression, violence and murder. Throughout their history mayhem and war have been their primary legacies to mankind.
Over the millennia the vast majority of people who have accepted and attempted to live by the precepts of these three man-made religions-in other words, to live morally upright lives according to the precepts of their particular religion-have been the least powerful, the most downtrodden and the most victimized by the state and by the church.
The word God itself has been turned into a catchall term that is used to justify murder by individuals and mass-killing by states. Pathological killers as well as the most upright members of societies beseech God to aid them in the destruction of their competitors and enemies, and praise God when they succeed.
That this incongruity is ignored by many of those who profess to believe in and follow the precepts of a "loving God" is pathological to the extreme. To be more precise, it is a form of insanity. In virtually the same breath "God the Creator and Savior" becomes "God the Avenger, the Destroyer and the Bringer of Death" to one's enemies and disbelievers.
In human history good and bad have never existed in reality as fixed polar opposites. They have always been circumstantial and were whatever was prescribed at the time by the ruling powers-the clergy, the government and the military, or whichever one of these entities was dominant. These three institutions have also traditionally worked hand-in-hand to indoctrinate, subjugate and control people for their own purposes.
It goes without saying that for the vast majority of people survival and some degree of security and comfort take precedence over all other things. And if professing to believe in something like Islam, for example, will provide this security and comfort, even to a small degree, people programmed in that faith will believe and obey even the most irrational and inhuman dogma.
When the United States was founded some of the teachings of Christianity that are humane, positive and nurturing were incorporated into the laws of the land. But institutionalized Christianity was not made a state religion because it was clearly seen as an enemy of intellectual and personal freedom.
It goes without saying that people in God-oriented societies typically behave in ways that are contrary to religious teachings. In many cases this is because the teachings range from being impractical, to inhuman, dangerous, or worse, and following them makes no sense.
The concept that the "Kingdom of Heaven" is within the individual-not in some after-death place high in the sky-is probably the most important of all of the insights attributed to Jesus, but it has been down-played or ignored by all levels of God-based religions. In fact, according to the teachings of Christianity you can "sin" left and right and still go to Heaven if you confess and accept Jesus as your savior before you die.
In more ways than one, the God-based moralities of Judaism, Christianity and Islam have become an unfunny joke. The daily news is rife with references to God that are so irrational they go beyond being ridiculous. Preachers, politicians, military men and others are constantly calling on God to bless them and their countries, and to bring death and destruction to their enemies.
There are far more damaging mental and moral aberrations across the board in societies where the guidelines for human behavior are based on an irrational male-oriented theological concept-with so-called entertainment being one of the most conspicuous examples.
It is incredible that modern-day entertainment, one of the biggest and most culturally influential of all industries, is more often than not based on catering to the most primitive, savage and gross side of humanity. The Christian Church in particular cannot compete with this form of mass cultural conditioning.
This morass of immorality has come about because over the decades the laws of the United States have been skewered by politicians under pressure from academics, business leaders and others to favor and permit the debasement of humanity-and most people at large accept this situation for a variety of reasons: they tell themselves they can't change it; that it is not their responsibility, and so on. It is also no doubt true that many people who publicly oppose this pandemic of cultural sleaze are actually attracted to it.
In the first place, Judaism, Christianity and Islam have never had all of the right answers for humanity-as history has so graphically demonstrated. I am not saying that spirituality is out. In fact, spirituality is in, especially in the U.S. But more and more so-called Christians are creating their own personal paths to fulfilling their spiritual needs.
And then, of course, some two-thirds of the world's population is not Christian or Jew-even if in name only. These are the Muslims, the Buddhists, the Hindus, and so on-most of whom have had good reason for disliking and fearing Christianity because of its intolerant claim of exclusivity and historical use of violence...not to mention the primitive, irrational elements of its theology.
It obviously goes without saying that to truly meet the physical, emotional, intellectual and spiritual needs of mankind the world needs a new, global, cultural paradigm-one that "fits" and enhances the lives of everybody in all societies.
But are there principles and policies that would ensure high standards of ethical behavior and would work on a worldwide basis?
I believe there are, but to create and implement this new paradigm would mean discarding all of the institutionalized and ritualized one-God cult religions... and if you question my calling Judaism, Christianity and Islam "cults," look up the word "cult" in your dictionary! The only difference between these three cults and notorious little cults is that these three are very big and very powerful, and can ignore and squash criticism.
It is, of course, a fact that some of the social tenets of Judaism and Christianity are responsible for much of the humane morality that has managed to survive in the United States and other Western countries. But even the most casual glance at the level of morality in so-called Christianized societies reveals that corruption and immoralities of all kinds are thriving as never before.
Of course, Christianity now presents itself as humane and nurturing. But it is still off-base in many of its teachings-and has never been and is not now capable of instilling a desirable standard of morality even in "Christianized" countries, much less universally.
Islam is even worse-at least in some respects. It remains caught in a time warp, with many of the same irrational and barbarous tenets that were the bedrock of Christianity for many centuries-the same Christianity that was responsible for the crusades against Muslims, for the Catholic Inquisitors who tortured and burned thousands over a period of several generations, for the depredations of the Conquistadors in the New World, for the European Colonialists and their campaigns to subjugate native populations in Africa and to eradicate them in North and South America, and on and on.
And there is another very conspicuous obstacle to the creation and implementation of a new code of ethics for humanity. This obstacle is a large number of professional people worldwide in think tanks, in universities, and in other organizations that have agendas that range from being anti-white, anti-black, anti-Jewish, anti-Islamic, anti-democratic, anti-capitalism, anti-globalism, anti-American, to anti-international business, and more.
As is also obvious, these groups now have the means to reach millions of people daily with their virulent messages. A recent book entitled Welcome to the Ivory Tower of Babel by Michael Adams presents a fascinating and frightening portrait of these think-tank and campus-based anti-everything groups.
So what might a new social paradigm look like-one that all people could live by and achieve their fullest potential? Being as practical as possible, given what is known about humanity, the new cultural paradigm would have to include the following:
That all governments be based on the best principles of democracy.
That all societies acknowledge and follow the fundamental principle that females have an equal stake in humanity and must have the same rights and same opportunities as males.
That morality be based on dogma-free principles that recognize the true nature of mankind and are designed to nurture all of the elements in the make-up of human beings: the body, the emotions, the intellect and the spirit.
That the educational policies of all governments and all educational institutions be redesigned to inculcate all students, from day one, with a genteel standard of behavior; a moral value system that includes respect for others, honesty, truthfulness and diligence; a sense of pride in themselves; a sense of honor; the ambition to make the world a better place; and the courage to have big dreams.
That the economic policies of all governments be redesigned to further a global-based process of raising the living standards of all people on the planet to a comfortable level.
That the finite nature and fragility of Planet Earth be totally recognized and that universal mandatory directives be established to protect and sustain it... balanced with the profit-making that is essential for any business!
That these goals be made the basic charter of mankind and be pursued on a global, coordinated basis.
Of course, there are hundreds of other factors, real and imagined, that would have to be a part of this paradigm shift. What I am saying is that all societies on the planet must become interconnected to the point that they are, in fact, members of a global society. An old idea...a global village!
We've gone from a Cold War of political ideologies to a Hot War of religious ideologies. And that is the new reality of the 21st century. We must therefore strive with everything in our power to bring all countries into the same rational, logical, humane, human family.
And the United States, despite its many short-comings, is the best hope for leading the world in a crusade for a sane, rational, comprehensive, universal morality. The world is, in fact, waiting for us to create and demonstrate a morality that would lift mankind up and out of the religious, political and economic muck and mire of history.
We have very obviously already attempted to start this crusade. But we have failed to do enough of the educational groundwork necessary to bring the mass of humanity on board the effort, even in the United States!
I fault all of the Establishments for this failure: the Political Establishment; the Business Establishment, and most of all, the Educational Establishment. I could have added Religious Establishments, but all of them have already failed in every facet of their self-proclaimed mandates.
The Educational Establishment is the guiltiest of all in failing to provide a foundation for a truly humane, ethical, world society because the majority of educators know-or should know-what is good for humanity and what is not good!
But most of the people making up the Educational Establishments worldwide, like people in many political institutions, are more self-serving than society-serving-not by choice but by the systems we've created. Furthermore, academia, like religion, has always attracted zealots whose goals do not serve mankind.
Of course, there is a lot of complaining and wailing about these systems. But like religious and political institutions, the educational organizations are too divided, too hemmed in by laws, too entrenched, and too bureaucratic to reform themselves.
Given all these negative influences, I believe that the only salvation for humanity is technology-which by itself is already rapidly changing all of the world's cultures. In the long run, even without forward thinking and forward-acting leaders, the world's cultures will become more and more rational, and more and more democratic because of the universal, objective, unemotional, impersonal, influence of technology.
But given the fact that primitive religions and authoritarian political forms still have at least a partial death-grip on the majority of mankind, these transformations could take generations because educators and political leaders will not take the heroic steps necessary to change today's morality and today's policies... even if they want it to happen!
And, of course, there are many national leaders who are dead-set against freedom and against a humane morality for the people they rule over.
As a result, most people may continue to be oppressed and prevented from achieving their full potential for generations to come... unless these changes are aggressively promoted by huge numbers of people blogging the world's bureaucrats and leaders in business, in politics and in religions with criticism and advice! And even more importantly, by simply refusing to go along with stupid, insane policies and the people who promote them!
Of course, there are thousands of things one can point to in the U.S. and elsewhere that are encouraging. I saw in a recent news article that American entrepreneurs have established etiquette schools to teach young kids basic, good manners... something that parents used to do in their homes.
But how many schools that teach manners and the accompanying morality do you think it will take and how long will it take to counter all of the course behavior and lack of ethics that are being programmed into the minds of millions of children and young people seven days and nights a week by the so-called entertainment industries?
Of course, the majority of people everywhere are sickened by all of these cultural failures. But survival, power and profit-making...not moral behavior...are the overwhelming goals of most leaders in politics and business. And as already said, there is no way that the weak, divided and often irrational spiritual-based moralities of today are going to change that!
We therefore need to teach and follow a philosophy of living and working that is based on common sense, on the fragile nature of the Earth, on the real physical, emotional, intellectual, spiritual and philosophical needs of human beings.
Of course, there are people already espousing these philosophies but with so little impact that contemplating the future is frightening. Despite the misuse and abuse of the Internet by hate mongers, pornographers and radical religious zealots, this new technology also makes it possible for the average person to make his or her voice heard on a large scale for the first time in the history of mankind.
Ordinary people can now vote and express themselves online at any time on very important issues of the day! If enough rational, educated, morally enlightened people will bring more and more pressure against leaders in every field to force them to give up their self-serving ways-or force them out of positions of authority and let a new breed of people have a go at it-the ancient religious promise of peace on earth might be achieved.
Two of the more obvious things that we in the United States are now talking about-and could do if we had the will-is to reintroduce discipline and a reality-based future-oriented curriculum into the educational system, and to boycott purveyors of obscene, immoral and harmful ideas and behavior instead of rewarding them with fame and great wealth.
Just as obviously, it goes without saying that the First Amendment of the Constitution should be amended to prohibit its abuse by the so-called entertainment industries. In addition to being morally inexcusable, the present system is socially insane.