Sunday, June 17, 2012

Change of tides

Terrorism is the most cowardly form of protest or war. Terrorism seeks to achieve its objectives by terrorize innocent people, damaging the image and the economy of a country and put pressure on the Government. A network of terror never is an independent entity. It always has links and support of other hostile entities. Often hostile entity used networks of terror to achieve their goals indirectly. This is usually done in the form of hardware, financial and moral support to terrorist outfits.

Pakistan has been exceptionally bad luck in this respect. Not only is infested with terrorists but is also surrounded by hostile entities that feed terrorist activities in Pakistan. Religion has been the largest in this country curse. Prime Minister z. a. Bhutto (late) and after general Zia-ul-Haq (late) were the culprits who introduced the concept of Islamic State and from that moment onwards, Pakistan has been an economic decline and morale.

Religion in sectarian strife and violence to this once peaceful country. Religious sects began to get funding from various sources. Sunnis were funded by Saudi Arabia while Shiites were funded by Iran. India uses these scenarios to further worsen the conditions in Pakistan. Israel and the India used their intelligence agencies to induce a culture of hatred and intolerance in Pakistan and happily accepted anything negative that occurs in our way!

The fact of the matter is that no matter how much we blame it for India, Israel and West of our fall, let destroy them us. Our leaders were corrupt and incapable. Our people do not stand for their rights. We always chose the easiest way that do not require any sacrifices on our part. We were not willing to give up luxuries on the lap of honour and dignity. We chose exist borrowed money and beg even more even today.

Currently, Pakistan facing the worst times of their history. We are under the threat of groups extremists, terrorists, United States, Israel, India, Afghanistan, and God knows who. Our Government has not been able to transmit to the general population that we are at war, we have to eliminate terrorist networks in our country, that we can not exist without United States. It is too late to honor and dignity of practice now. If we are not prepared to do what we are told by the powers that be, it is doubtful that our survival as an independent State.

Since then has been a true full operation in the FATA region of Pakistan against terrorists, also has changed the position of our neighbours. Afghanistan has become more aggressive towards Pakistan. Karzai openly threatened Pakistan and its intelligence chief recently blamed Pakistan of lying to everyone about the operations in FATA regions. He openly stated in an international news network (to Al JAZEERA) were not any operation will take place in the FATA region of Pakistan and Pakistan was hiding terrorist figures in Balochistan.

Afghanistan is feeling too strong and important now because it is sitting on the lap of the spoon military and obtain U.S. fed by the India. Fail to realize that once I pull of United States and the India has achieved its objectives malicious in Pakistan, all hell will break loose in Afghanistan! There is no doubt that the fate of Afghanistan is a complete breakdown. Afghanistan has never been a unified country and never will be.

Arrival in Pakistan, its time that serious efforts are made to separate the State religion. Pakistan was without doubt formed to provide to the Muslims of the subcontinent with free homeland to live in peace and practice their religious beliefs. But never was formed to create a State which was intolerant of other religions or a State where people might be forced to practice Islam in its strictest form. Today, global terrorism in the name of Islam and Pakistan are associated with activities terrorists is ruining the future of our young generation. Pakistan has to make an extra effort to separate car from an image of such or such activities.

Government needs to create awareness among the population in general. People must be made aware of the current situation in our country and where we are today. Government must play its part actively and provide the people with all kinds of relief packages to gain confidence. This is the only option that's left now. We do not have a choice.

Loon race