Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Iran, Israel and the end times of God Plan

Secret military option against Iran?
Sources indicate that it has negotiated a secret Israel - treatment of Saudi Arabia for a military option against Iran. This includes allowing aircraft of Israel to fly through Saudi airspace on their way to attack the terrorist regime. Because some experts believe that Iran could get nuclear capability by the end of this year, Israel is developing plans to put an end to that nuclear progress.

This could be a significant development as it is very likely that Israel will actually attack the terrorist regime of Ahmadinejad at the end of this year. If this happens, it is likely that the opposition movement, which has been growing over the past year and a half, will take advantage of the chaos of the military strike and overthrow the regime. It will result in a significant impact on the Middle East, leading to the apparent sealing of terrorism and a modified region which will be open to working with Israel on a treaty for seven years. This will be the Treaty of end times predicted in the Bible, which will be accompanied by the world's leaders proclaiming "peace and security".

Nuclear progress of Iran
Speaking of Iran seeking nuclear capability, the International Atomic Energy Agency last week issued a report indicating that Iran has carried out seven different types of technologies that could allow Iran to make a nuclear bomb. In addition, the report also indicated that the activities relating to the development of a nuclear charge of a missile. Finally, the report Iran conducted experiments that any other application than nuclear weapons. (These include "explosive compression of uranium deuteride" to produce a short burst of neutrons).

Motivation of Iranian leadership on the exercise of the nuclear activity is the twelfth Imam in the scene. It is the end - times Muslim Messiah (also called the Mahdi) believed that they bring to the world under Islamic rule. Sources indicate that President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and spiritual leader Ali Jamenei believe that they are in direct contact with this figure of the end times. A_el_parecer, the Mahdi has been directed to do three things: 1) delete Israel; (2) bring the East under Iranian control; (and 3) produce global chaos. Nuclear weapons would be useful for all three of these goals.

Objective number one is why Israel should stop nuclear progress of Iran. While the Jewish nation has slowed progress in a number of ways, Iran is still making strides towards its nuclear ambition. Therefore, it seems that Israel will be forced to launch an attack military - and quite possibly, at the end of this year.

The Inevitable fall of Iran
In addition to the treatment with Israel (mentioned above), Saudi Arabia is trying to rally from the East against Iran. Saudi officials have moved closer to Pakistan, Malaysia, Indonesia and Central Asian States (to name a few) for diplomatic and military support against the Persian State.

This adds to the discomfort is deepening in the Iranian regime. After all, the Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is in danger of dismissal by spiritual leader Ali Jamenei in his attempt to wrest control of the Ministry of intelligence. In addition, the opposition movement, launched a year ago and half seems to be growing, with members in senior ranks in the army and Iranian political positions. What began as a crack in the regime, therefore, seems to be a widening gap, preparing to tear down the "House" of Ahmadinejad.

They were Israel to launch a military attack, the opposition movement would probably take the resulting chaos to eliminate the current regime. If that happens, the Government would be replaced by a democratic pro, that could stop the Iranian support to terrorism. This would have an effect on terrorism in the region with groups such as Hamas, Hezbollah and al - Qaeda being harmed. It is also likely that this encouraged those in the Middle East seeking to rid themselves of the shackles of terrorism and radical Islamic control. This in turn would prepare the region to work with Israel in a Treaty of "peace and security," in line with the biblical end times prophecy.

It seems that God is preparing the actors onstage for his plan of end times. What is described on occur very quickly, so we have to keep looking!


Doctoral work, Phoenix Seminary; M.s.,th.m, from the Greek New Testament, Dallas Theological Seminary; B.A., English, University of Northern Iowa

Author; Speaker of the Conference