Thursday, July 26, 2012

Traditions and customs of Christmas

The Christmas holidays abound in interesting customs and traditions. Some of these traditions and customs of Christmas are sincerely religious, while others are secular and relaxed. Some countries also have a national flavour in its Christmas customs. So obviously the Customs and traditions of Christmas are neither unique nor homogeneous worldwide. These keep vary from region to region and country to country. Traditions popular Christmas as the exchange of gifts, decorate the Christmas tree, Yule log, the branch of Holly, kissing under the mistletoe etc. are more or less common to all places.

In Christian countries, Christmas has become the most important Festival of the year, economically speaking. Christmas is celebrated for a period of twelve days after the December 25 in United Kingdom. This twelve days Christmas tradition is marked by the great celebration and banquet and ends on the feast of the Epiphany or twelfth night. This custom of lengthening the celebrations of Christmas is gaining popularity in the year. Christmas celebrations begin weeks before the actual day in the United States and the United Kingdom to extend the Christmas buying season and also to allow more time for meetings and greetings.

Countries celebrating Christmas on 25 December, call the day before 'Christmas' and the next day by different names. Some, like Germany, Poland call on the second day of Christmas, some call of Commonwealth countries the day after Christmas 'Boxing Day', while the Romanians and the Irish called St. Stephen's day. Some pay the traditions and customs of Christmas have been incorporated by some Christian missionaries in their celebration of Christmas, but conservative Christians to refrain from any such celebration of Christmas. Christmas celebrations were banned in the Soviet Union, 75 years after the Russian Revolution and the Christian fundamentalist extremists still considered Christmas a pagan festival, unsanctioned by the Bible and therefore strictly keep to hold it.

But apart from these religious and serious connotations in the traditions and customs of Christmas, there also secular and they relaxed most of the celebrations of the holiday season. For example, the tradition of Christmas gift-giving is one of the most common traditions of the holiday regardless of the region or country. Greetings and exchange of families and friends gifts, children hanging stockings on the United States or keep juguetes-cajas empty of Santa Claus fill it with toys, sweets, or other gifts. In some places, is a custom and tradition for children put shoes of Windows in on Christmas Eve.

One of the very popular and inseparable customs and traditions of Christmas is the Christmas card. Whether your closest pal, or a distant relative, your teacher or colleagues, your family or your neighbor, each Gets a Christmas card. Even when people are separated by miles, a 'Miss You' Christmas card is going to be more often than not.

Decoration of homes and the Christmas tree again known traditions and customs of Christmas. It is a great joy to receive the pallet together all the family of corridors and doors with streamers, candles, star or Holly leaves or be with the entire heap of friends as you decorate the Christmas evergreen. Candy canes are a very sweet favorite for Christmas, which also are used as decorations. Traditionally people also decorate the outside of the House as well as the interiors. Christmas ornaments are sometimes sponsored by the municipalities.

Christmas holidays are fun form part of vacations and more a celebration than an custom and tradition of Christmas. Usually special meals for Christmas with a special menu of Christmas in many countries. While in other places, especially in Eastern Europe, families fast for a few days before the Christmas holiday.

In many countries, Christmas dances and competitions of Christmas (story of the history of Christ) are traditionally held every year. Christmas carols in groups is yet another popular custom and tradition of Christmas. In this, people will be singing carols from door to door only to maintain the spirit of the holiday season , live and fresh. Sometimes people visit the neighborhood houses for a good cause too, to raise donations and funds for the oppressed and dispossessed.

With the boisterous celebration of Christmas to keep thin, Christmas is observed as a religious holiday mainly for many people around the world. It is time for introspection, spiritual renewal, silent prayers, reading of quotes from the Bible, seeking religious blessings and wish happiness and good news to all the days to come. Ceremonies is much attenuated by a religious celebration of Christmas. Christmas carols and hymns are sung in churches and homes, funds are collected for a good cause, carry out voluntary work and people visit friends, neighbors, and ladies of the places for meetings and traditional Christmas meals. The air is filled with a sweet tranquility and warmth. A sense of joy and well-being reverberates all. People want each other to peace, prosperity, happiness and aMerry Christmas.

The religious customs and traditions of Christmas begins with advent (the day when the birth of Jesus Christ was intended). This is around early December. Customs and traditions of this religious celebration include Carols of Advent Calendars, sometimes also candies and other sweets to children. Midnight mass or a mass of the Nativity, Christmas carols, prayers and hymns, usually are carried out on Christmas Eve and Christmas day.

Other religions, such as Islam or Judaism are also giving rise to some secular traditions of the Christmas holidays in their own winter celebrations. Islamic countries refer to Jesus as a prophet and the Judaists celebrate its winter festival and an equivalent of Christmas, Hanukkah in December. Thus, customs and traditions of Christmas are many and are modified or incorporated differently by different cultures and ethnic groups throughout the world.

Sean Carter writes about holidays, Christmas day , and world events. He also writes about family, relationships, Christmas, religion, love and friendship. He is a writer with special interest in the electronic card industry and writes for He is an active blogger on the Christmas Blog