Thursday, July 26, 2012

The incentive of Abraham and monotheism route conquers

In America did not invent monotheism Existentialism; the concept of God grew from a peculiar environment to the Middle East. Moses had his scribe historicize the Hebrew God in the written language. He was prominent in the directors of the Pentateuch Abraham, a line of seed from Adam lived in its envelope the great Euphrates. Abraham woke up the so-called justice and encourage to lost in Adam. Remove the 'sword of flames' East of Eden and thus allowed righteousness back into the heart of the Eden.

The incentive of Abraham was a stimulus to the rear line of seed progeny gain inheritance. However, the route was always a course of self-destruction, but on one scale much smaller than the burgeoning populations of today; human beings, always trying to improve their grantees, managed to arrogate and take advantage of the original reason for inheritance of Abraham to your own specifications. To understand the enormity of the obsession of the world is recognizing the three branches of monotheism as a never-ending conquest roots. Action open normally involves a person or a small group of people, but the conquests of religion involve huge armies; following the herd instinct, they stampede from latent home toward a less, scared of their own existence and chasing the unknown. We have not obviously improved much over the centuries.

Abraham 4000 years ago he had appointed two sons as beneficiaries of two very unlike destinations - almost total indifference by other six children. Faced in Genesis, two sons, Isaac and Ishmael, produce progeny in distant camps, even in disagreement in the current environment of monotheistic, some 4000 years later. Meanwhile, during a period of 1800-year starting some 900 years later Abraham, Jew made the nominal reference to the worshipers of God - hard-fought with the tribes of greater Israel. Christianity soon evolved, Israel welcomed back into the fold and ran its course - in no way influenced by the Ismael marginalized to some 600 years after the destruction of the Temple in the year 70.

Then, an Arab, Mohammed discovered his fortune vastly improved with his consent to marry one older woman that occurred as the owner of a thriving commercial enterprise, with many camels, slaves, accouterment and other assets; soon he contracted to carry out this great company. These trade caravans traveled back and forth between Mecca, Yemen, Egypt, Israel and as far away as Baghdad--from the Nile to the Euphrates. Mohammed, then advanced in stature although he surrendered around foster homes in juvenile indistinction.

As Mohammed prospered, so he must have suffered from their efforts; for, according to the dossier, he began to hallucinate and see visions in the cave often holed near Mecca. He began to envision Islam and falling in love: win the betrothal of a six year old girl and taking her as a wife at nine o'clock.

A long around this time, a judeo-Christian Mohammed taught all could teach about the old theology; and Mohammed grey in size and lifestyle. The believers of Muhammad and Islam became extremely successful in incursions of other caravansaries, Bedouin camps, Oasis and Jewish villages. Herds of camels, sheep and donkeys increased through the many ravages and female captives became a comfort negotiate loyalty and material goods. It was almost paradise. It normally lasts, relentless and sometimes benevolent, often shared their booty of captured tradegoods, animals and accompanied by females with jihadists, who conducted their party bands. However, its ostentatious purpose exhibited a benevolent streak; He already not killed or tortured victims enemy if you convert to his newly foundreligion Islam. With these incentives, their next grew by leaps and bounds - size of the army - to all the provinces of the East, getting rewards for each side.

Also descendants of Abraham, the other two branches, with seed line exclusivity, Judaism and Christianity much the same road continued conquering all of North America and South: destroying some natives of 60 to 100 million of the new land. All the scans of monotheism based, as forces of Mohammed, powerfully agreed also gold, land and other possessions. Conquered by any means and any motivation was a crime against humanity and an indication of our ability.

When the upper hand, can grow by leaps. Having usurped the original theology, diversified Judaism; Funds obtained to Catholic and Protestant Christianity cause while they diversified to Islam in Shia/Sunni divisions. Several sects and diverse interpretation cells proliferated through the years in the current uncertainty of the confessional.

Antagonism grew up during millennia, and invaluable million died to extend or defend the particular disciplines; cause were always secondary to the reason for the underlying and most important conquest.

Now, in the age of the media, the truth emerges to illuminate the incentive of Abraham in new light! Semantically, in conditions of Bible, Torah and Qu'ran, we do not take the same path to the inheritance of Abraham; by, such inheritance was long past and postulated in messianic punctuality through compliance proposed within the deadlines established in the immutable historical legal template. This extension is currently hampered by the finitude of ten years for time and prerogatives of Abraham now obsolete. Despite this, devotees ignored the limitation of the Bible to his contract pending his Covenant; Therefore, road to the conquest or peace can take only for cessation of blind devotion to this cause obsolete.

Solution to the terrorist problem in the world is not insurmountable; We need only throw our metaphysical skin, they emerge from the darkness and find something else to win. But what would our incentive? Without religion, assault would be a crime. Without the incentive of Abraham, there may be no incentive.

We toured the Avenue of the largest in the world, the way to the conquest. But its true scope requests a larger expedition, how can mislead the three disciplines that cease and desist?

Ben Winter, particle physicist, scholar of the Bible and author of "the great deception: symbols and numbers clarified," reveals that 'there is' something new under the Sun - i.e. for modern students of the Bible. Directed to the correction of the language and the true intention of the major themes of the Bible: solve the mysteries of the Bible, defines Gog and Magog, reveals surprising identity Daniel he-goat and dare at the age of ten important. Sign up free criticism of the book at and see more articles in blog in http://blog.thegreatdeception.netformat.