The lyrical song, "Stop that there is peace on Earth and let it begin with me," sounds like a Christian but is not biblical. The desire for world peace has been a human desire, since the human race was separated from God in the fall in the garden of Eden when Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit. Biblically speaking, peace on earth can not be caused by man or woman. It begins when Jesus returns to the Earth as predicted in many Scriptures from the Bible. Only Jesus can restore that mankind lost in the fall. Fortunately, through the grace of God present they can take steps to alleviate human suffering. It has always been and will always be procurers, the world leaders who don't want to have peace in the world and no amount of political skill will bring it.
While fundamental Christians and many others are praying for peace and trying to live peacefully with all men, need to understand that world peace will not come until Jesus comes back and reigns on this Earth during the Millennium. In fact, many Christians are skeptical of secular programs proposed to do in world peace. Peace will not come from the efforts of the United Nations or the Republican party or the Democratic Party or the libertarian or even the women's Missionary Society. No amount of human effort will be able to do so.
There will be moments of peace moments here and there in different parts of the world and in different countries. But this is not a comprehensive peace. Before the Millennium will have what looks like world peace. But attentive. That little bit of calm will be what is described in the book of Daniel 8: 25 "... and he [the Antichrist]... for peace will destroy many." This period of peace will take place during the great tribulation. But it won't last long.
Colonial America, Patrick Henry presented some important truths in his big speech. "It is vain, sir, to extenuate the matter." Gentlemen may cry, peace, peace - but there is no peace. Why we stand here idle? What is wishing gentlemen? What would he? Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to buy at the price of chains and slavery? Prohibit, Almighty God! I know that not what course others may take; "but as for me, give me liberty or give me death!" Patrick Henry was saying that he did not want peace with England if there was no freedom. If he were here, he might say that this talk of world peace is a trap and not what you are looking for; world peace sounds so good and so Christian.
There are many secular theories waiting to bring world peace. The theory of democracy, says will lead to world peace. But democracy requires a majority. What with the minority that doesn't want to than most of what gives? And there is the Communist theory that says world revolution will lead to peace in the Communist world. A revolution does not sound like world peace, appears to promote the war. Also, the Communist definition of world peace is "we are in control". This is not peace, which is the control, domination of the world. The theory of Cobdenism believes that free trade will result in world peace. The theory of mutually assured destruction (M.A.D.) believed that if each one is fully armed with nuclear weapons, no one attacks another country knowing that it will mean their own immediate destruction. Some believe that the theory of globalization will bring world peace. Others believe in isolationism; that the Nations should focus only on Internal Affairs to prevent wars. And some believe in peace self-organized. It is where human cooperation in international projects that will bring the human race for world peace.
There are many religious theories waiting to bring peace on Earth. Buddhism believes that people need to establish peace in their minds and leave the negative emotions. If so, then do you have so many Buddhist monks set on fire? Liberal Christians believe that a Christian goodwill demonstration will bring in the Kingdom of Christ, as they believe the Covenant theology advocates. Islam believes peace world will come when the Prophet returns and all humanity realizes that descended from a common couple, Adam and Eve. Orthodox Jews believe that world peace will come when the Messiah arrives. Conservative Christianity believe that because man is naturally corrupt and does not have the ability to live in peace to world peace does not come until Jesus returns and beat his enemies at the battle of Armageddon and rules the land with an iron rod.
Jesus said that the Nations against Nations and kingdoms against kingdoms will increase, but there will be no peace until he returns. So about the only thing we can do is try to get along. But it won't be easy to do because someone will always want to get the upper hand and the lower hand is not like.
Mel Jackson is a writer and former broadcaster, circus promoter, social worker and resides in Florida. He is the author of the book, "Runaway", about a young man of the longing for the love of his father. For more information click here