Saturday, July 28, 2012

Islam and human rights

In the west it's the common habit that every good thing attributes to them and they proved as this world is blessed with it due to them. However before the Islam the world was steeped in ignorance and unaware of any such things. This is Islam which explains the way of livings to the world and now the west adopted all the teachings of Islam mentioned in Quran and Hadith before 1400 years.

Islam is to complete religion in which Allah Almighty has given the complete guidance about every aspect of the life in a clear manner. It's the only religion who emphasize on peace. It gives rights to each human being as well as animals. The human rights that Islam protects are the life and property of every citizen is consecrated, whatever his religion is, is either that he is Muslim or not. Human equality is highly focuses majorly and not one is considered superior or favored because of their race, assets or power. The criteria of superiority are only faith and piety. The annual pilgrimage to Makah the Prophet (PBUH) has given the complete charter of human rights. Its each and every word enlightened all the aspects of human life. It clearly mentions the rights of servants and asked them to treat properly.

Racism is a major problem of today's modern world has completely finished in Islam. And its practical example can be seen on the annual pilgrimage at Makah every year. Where Muslims from all over the world come together and perform hajj without any difference. Where slave and king offers the prayer together.

Islam is the religion of complete justice as said in Quran:"" truly God commands you to give back trusts to those to whom they are due, and when you judge between people, to judge with justice... " "(4:58)"

The human killing is totally restricted and the government is responsible for the protection of the all the nations and their assets. Even women have more privileged and special care is associated with her either she is mother, wife, sister or daughter. Hence Islam gives the complete coding of life embedded in its teaching. And the human rights are completely and perfectly mentioned in it.

You can read out more about such informative topics about Islam and specifically about misconceptions about Islam. Just logon to Muslim Academy and find out more about Islam. I you want direct interaction, you can join Muslim Academy Forum as well where you will meet active community who can answer your questions which you have in your mind about Islam.

Samad Khan Aslam - CEO of SKYS Web Solutions - is contributing his writings to Muslim Academy by which is a website founded by Chirstopher Fransworth - Lawyer in USA - to teach Arabic and to eliminated the misconception in the world about Islam. The other aim of Muslim Academy is to remove the distancias and difference between the West and Muslims. Daily tens of writers submit their posts for Muslim Academy.