Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad announced last week that Iran is determined to eliminate Israel. In an interview with a Lebanese television channel, added that "who is for humanity should also be to eradicate the Zionist regime". Surprisingly, Israeli leaders have declared that cannot be allowed to Iran obtain nuclear weapons.
Therefore Iran moves about nuclear capability, Israel draws close to launch a military strike against the terrorist regime. Although a military attack by Israel it is not likely that he will bring down the regime of Ahmadinejad, there is a strong possibility that the Iranian opposition movement would be to take advantage of the resulting chaos of an attack to depose the regime. This result could align with the end times biblical prophecy very well for three reasons.
The first reason concerns the Treaty of end times in the Bible predicted. Daniel 9:27 Treaty of prophecies future seven years with Israel, which will allow the return of Christ. (The reference to "many" in the verse is a reference to the Jews.) "Many" are used to refer to Jews elsewhere in Daniel and the context of 9: 24-27 focuses on the Jews. See Apocalypse 2012: The ticking of the clock of time - what purpose does the word of the Bible? (evidence that the six infinitive phrases in verse 24 point to the return of Christ to establish the Kingdom of God on Earth). This Treaty appears to be more than a global treaty; in fact, it seems connected to leaders of the world proclaiming "peace and security". However, if there is a culprit who has tried to hinder a treaty with the Jewish nation, it is Iran. In fact, some experts, including Israeli leaders, believe that it has been Iran that has been the biggest obstacle to a treaty between Israel and the Palestinians. If so, the current Iranian Government needs to be deposed before that can confirm the final Treaty of time.
The second reason that the Elimination of the Ahmadinejad regime would pave the way towards the final fulfilment of biblical prophecy times refers to leaders of the world proclaiming "peace and security," according to 1 Thessalonians 5: 3. At the time of the signing of the Treaty of seven years with Israel, the world will believe that he has finally achieved "peace and security". Such a scenario arise, terrorism will have to be defeated - or at least appear to be defeated. In order to terrorism suffer defeat, the current Iranian regime, which is the biggest developer of terrorism in the world today, will have to be deposed.
Iran involvement in terrorism has been illustrated last week by this question: will be involved in the 9/11 attacks in America? It turns out there is an Iranian connection. Tests are presented in a paper presented by American lawyers working in a civil action, in which bereaved relatives of those who died in the 9/11 attacks joined Iran a suit against bin Laden and Al - Qaeda.
Testing monitors the participation of Iran with al - Qaida dating back to 1993 in a meeting in Sudan between Iranian representatives and Osama bin Laden and Ayman al Zawahiri the leaders of al - Qaeda. Apparently, al - Qaeda operatives were trained in Iran in airline hijacking. Four months before the 11, an Iranian official leader authorized support for "Future plans of al - Qaeda."
Two former senior CIA officials stated in an affidavit that an Iranian agent organized the transfer of some of the 9/11 hijackers through Afghanistan, Iran, Lebanon, and Saudi Arabia. Iranian agent was Imad Mughniya, "the most dangerous terrorist in the world" at that time. Aid managed to Afghanistan training and entry into the United States.
In addition, in July, the Department of the Treasury of United States identified six members of a network of al - Qaeda in Iran. This network operates "in" an agreement between Al Qaeda and the Iranian Government. The Treasury Department reveals that you one of the six, Shu'aytiyah (known by his first name by analysts), described as "operations Chief," Al - Qaeda was appointed by Osama bin Laden to serve as an emissary of al - Qaeda in Iran. Atiyah was planning a terrorist attack in United States, coinciding with the tenth anniversary of 9/11.
Thus, towards the end of the prophecy of the end of time to met, the current Iranian regime need to be deposed, which probably indicates a next military attack on Iran. However, the Obama administration isn't willing to use military force to Iran, what means would depend on deterrence. But that dominates the religious fervour that is driving the search for nuclear weapons Iran. Iranian spiritual leader Ali Jamenei and President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad are followers of the twelfth Imam and claim to be in direct communication with him. Supposedly turned to dispose of Israel, to seize power over the middle and then move to dominate Europe, United States and across the globe. In this unit, global chaos is to be released, moment in which the Mahdi (the twelfth Imam) supposedly happened on the world stage and bring the world under Islamic rule.
This religious zeal for the Islamic domination of the world is the third reason Ahmadinejad elimination is necessary for the fulfillment of biblical prophecy. The scenario described above do not fit with the predictions of the Bible of the future, however, Ahmadinejad did not renounce his unit for Islamic rule. Therefore, he will have to be deposed. Given that the current administration of United States not, Israel must. If Jewish leaders choose to follow that path, remove Iran as the obstacle to the world "peace and security" and configure Israel as the "hero" to the Nations of Europe and the Arab States, players who will sign this end times with Israel agreement.
Doctoral work, seminar of Phoenix; M.s.,th.m, from the Greek New Testament, Dallas Theological Seminary; B.A., English, University of Northern Iowa
Author; Speaker of the Conference