The Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC) of located in Jeddah, Arabia Saudi is an intergovernmental organization with a permanent delegation to the United Nations. As the second largest international organization after the United Nations, has the power to rule the world.
Is coadjutes 57 Nations, most of which is Islamic in the East, North, West and South of Africa, Central Asia, Europe, Southeast Asia, South Asia and South America. OIC politely maintains his power from the focal point.
Like the UN, OIC has problems to enforce its resolutions. It has great legislative powers, but no executive or judicial power. This form condemns it the unit in support of member committees, but that are not required by law. The majority of the OIC can do is ask politely to do something.
The OIC does not have own armed forces. None of its committees are designed to control, support or operate any military. However, they may be able to create such a structure, but they are still dependent on the loyal Member States to protect them.
Different organizations within the OIC are powerful on paper, but weak on foot. In order to implement all of its powers, would force strong members to obey until that they were comfortable with the loss of control.
The exceptions would be countries that already had weak Governments and found it easier to delegate authority to the major Government.
OIC makes it because it needs to remain diplomatic. For now, it remains dependent on its member Governments. It does no one scare for burdening her with his sword.
Over the years, commissions overseen by the tri-anuales and annual conferences have build institutions to work towards idealistic dreams. Its universities have increased in prestige. Research and training centres of culture, economy, technology, and education have preserved the seniority of States members while helping them develop. The OIC also supports an Islamic Bank of development, Fund of solidarity and broadcasting and news agency
Idealistic dreams of the OIC are: eliminate racial prejudice; eradicating colonialism; safeguard the Holy Land; international support for peace, Palestinians and Muslims all persons in order to preserve their dignity, independence and national rights.
In 2006, the OIC made an interesting move. The United Nations joined in a cooperation agreement. Causes seeking the support of one or another aid from both. OIC has now most of the Nations in the world supporting without admitting to all of them, and the UN has the support of the OIC.
The importance of this is not seen or written. What makes that so strong OIC is has a strong religious purpose which refutes the reason, and has the support of OPEC.
In the Islamic world, different classes are different sects of Islam is the ruling class, including all the heads of State at the top. These are the people with primary control of the OIC. His dream of a peaceful world where always projected the correct image of Islam, eliminate prejudices and Muslims are always supported and protected is a call of Allah. It is useless to try to convince them that other opinion is correct. Reason can never disprove the revelation.
OPEC is an acronym of the Organization of petroleum exporting countries that it was founded in 1960 and is current Member are: Algeria, Angola, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Libya, Nigeria, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Venezuela. Here the wealth, brains and brawn of the OIC.
And why is that? You already know the answer. OIL. Oil is the currency of power now, and given that OPEC is the source of the same and the heart of the OIC, OIC has a monopoly on power in the world since its inception.
Probably someone is making the argument that United States does not depend on oil. It has its own reserves; having alternative sources of energy. why everyone is still paying $3.10 a gallon of gasoline? Because that person knows it will take decades of hard work to switch completely over to the auto dependent on energy. United States prefers to take the easier drive give the power to the OIC and be slapped with unit.
President Bush was quite smart to invade Iraq directly. It would have been easier just to launch missiles from Saudi Arabia, our ally. By why not him? Because by invading Iraq, hits the bulls eye of power world dealing with claim of the United States stop to his country of the decline. He can address almost any other country in OPEC or the OIC from Iraq. External circles are marked by the limits of the OIC and OPEC. This bulls eye controlled worldwide by the dependency of the Alliance, the presentation or trade.
The world knows super countries populated by Russia, China, India and Indonesia as the Nations producers in the world. The four are observer States of the OIC. United States has not been wised still. The observer States are entitled to participate, comment and make suggestions - but the voting power in the decisions. Is too far-fetched to assume that some of the policies of the OIC are to respect the views of the world's producers who respectfully attend conferences? Observers are vigilant, but only guardian of a chain. Because after all, even if the OIC does something they do not like, how administered without oil? Even producing nations have become Doberman adjustment without teeth.