Saturday, June 9, 2012

The Parable of the Parliament of the World's Religions

In 1893 an interfaith meeting was held in Chicago called the World's Parliament of Religions. Swami Vivekananda said, "Sisters and brothers of America. Sectariansm, bigotry, and its horrible descendant religious fanaticism have long possessed this beautiful Earth. They have filled this Earth with violence, drenched it often with human blood, destroyed civilization and sent whole nations to despair. Had it not been for these horrible demons human society would be far more advanced than it is now."

In 1993 the centennial Parliament of the World's Religions was held and 8,000 interfaith people from all over the world came to Chicago to discuss how the world religions could work together in peace and harmony. Further conventions were held in 1999 in Cape Town South Africa and in 2004 in Barcelona, Spain. The event, held every five years, is coming to Melbourne, Australia next week from Dec.3 - Dec.9 2,009. There will be speakers and programs and workshops and singing and 10,000 participants. Check the official website for the Parliament of the World's Religions. You can register online until Nov. 29 and then you can register in person in Melbourne.

Despite these meetings we find ourselves today in the middle of a world wide "War on Terror" aka "The Christian Crusade Against Islam", publicly declared by President George W. Bush after 9/11. Hatred + Hunger + Nuclear Bombs = Extinction. The only way to get a different total is to change the terms of the equation.

Two years ago Jordan's Prince Ghazi created a website called "A Common Word" 138 Muslim Scholars and political and religious leaders signed a letter to the world Christian leaders called "A Common Word Between You and Us, Love." What followed was a series of interfaith meetings involving Pope Benedict XVI, the Archbishop of Canterbury, the Chief Rabbi of Israel, and world Muslim Leaders, King Abdullah of Jordan and King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia. The idea was to bring peace among Christians, Muslims and Jews.

The Earth is 5 billion years old. Judaism was invented 4,000 years ago, Christianity 2,000 years ago and Islam 1,400 years ago. Since then we have seen the Christian Crusades, the 300 year Christian Inquisition, the War Against the Jews aka The Holocaust, 4 Muslim Empires and Caliphates, and now we sit on the brink of Armageddon as the 3 children of God of Mount Sinai aka God the Father, Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit, Allah, Yehovah, Elohim all possess nuclear bombs and bibles commanding them to kill all non group members in return for entrance into Heaven.

In Oct. 2009 Jordan's Prince Ghazi wrote a two year summary of his interfaith efforts. Prince Ghazi writes that despite some positive steps, the results so far have been disheartening. He says that Muslims and Christians still hate each other with a deep rooted hatred. Today pilgrims at the Hajj are walking around a stone idol in Mecca 7 times chanting "Death to America and Death to Israel." Prince Ghazi notes that the situations in Afghanistan and Pakistan are quickly deteriorating. Prince Ghazi writes, "In short, we are still a long way away from where we could and should be. We must do more. It is now time for a common deed."

If your lawn has weeds, and you mow your lawn, the weeds will return. Unless you get down on your knees with your $2 weeder and take the weeds out by the roots, the weeds will return. At Madonna's concert a Jew, a Christian and a Muslim hug. This is a short form version of the photo op called the Parliament of the World's Religions to be held next week in Melbourne, Australia.

Once upon a time in the late 1800's a game was invented by a man named Sheldon Hockey called ice hockey. The governing body is the 66 nation International Ice Hockey Federation. In hockey two teams skate around and use their hockey sticks to shoot the puck into the net. Helmets are not allowed. The rules command the players to use their hockey sticks to spear their opponents in the eyes. The team with the last player standing with at least one eye is declared the winner.

Every five years the nations meet to discuss how their game can be played without anyone losing their eyes. 10,000 hockey enthusiasts come from all over the world to find the solution. There are world famous speakers and workshops and sing alongs but the players continue to lose their eyeballs. At the 2004 Parliament of the World's Religions Deepak Chopra, brother of famed golfer Daniel Chopra said, "Religions are divisive; religions must evolve; a new tradition must evolve."

Jesus Christ the Jewish born Rabbi and Messiah of Christianity and Islam said that when he returned to save the world, he would command his Angels to bring the 3 billion Christians, Muslims and Jews and everyone else, and the 2 tablets carved in stone by God of Mount Sinai Himself into the new Temple of Love of God of Mount Sinai and Unite, and gather up the tares, the poisonous weeds, the Old Testaments, the New Testaments and the Korans, with their countless commands to kill all non group members and throw them into the fire. (Matt. 13:24-43).

Unfortuantely this will not happen. The people will continue to spear each other's eyes out to get into Heaven, and attend interfaith peace conferences like the Parliament of the World's Religions, listen to speakers, sing songs and promise to meet again in 5 years. Unfortunately we will not be here in 5 years because we are about to follow the rules in our bibles and nuke all life on earth into the dirt to get into Heaven. Our religious leaders, our blind guides have us convinced that in order to bring about the advent of the Messiah and save the world we must first nuke all life on Earth into the dirt in the Apocalypse, Nuclear World War III.

Jesus Christ said, "A house divided against itself cannot stand." This means that the people of Earth must unite. On the website of the Parliament of the World's Religions "About Us" "Our Mission" "Our Approach" they say "The Council for a Parliament of the World's Religions seeks to promote interreligious harmony, rather than unity. The problem with seeking unity among religions is the risk of loss of the unique and precious character of each individual religious and spiritual tradition." No eye may be spared.

Karen Fish is a writer currently living in Los Angeles California.
The Temple of Love