Tuesday, June 19, 2012

The impact of the envy of health, motivation and happiness

Is it a coincidence that, in Western society, the green color is associated with money and also with envy? After all, capitalism is based on the assumption that the success is defined by doing better than others and on the financial acquisition. Entrepreneurs are encouraged to reach for that 1% higher income, in order to realize the American dream. To be in the top 1%, it must climb on the other 99! This is does not mean that it is bad trying to succeed. Instead, it is trying to rise above others, that is the problem, and envy is the root of this cry of "wins the green".

In 2007, Dr. S. H. Kim and Dr. r. Smith published a document entitled "Understanding the envy" in psychological bulletin, which examined the role of envy in our lives. Envy, it seems that it has a significant impact on our lives in countless ways, from physical health to the motivation for mental well-being. Of the three, the most common Association is the negative correlation between the envy and the happiness and peace of mind.

Envy universally is viewed negatively by all religions. In Islam, envy can destroy good deeds of a person. In Christianity, one must reject the envy to be stored. In Hinduism, anything, including envy, which leads to an imbalance in life will cause misery, while in Buddhism, taking joy in the good fortune of others it is considered to be the antidote to envy. However, envy is one of the predominant emotions in all of us.

Advertisers often seek to stimulate feelings of envy, to encourage us to buy. Unfortunately, attach to this destructive force euphemisms: labels, such as desire, or unit, or want to or need to. Do "we need" clothing designer labels, the cars, the home of largest and so on?

The Division of property is essential to the process of divorce and lawyers thrive when each partner covets objects acquired during the Union. Very often, this desire for a certain element is less driven by attachment to the element which is the need to beat another former partner.

As a Canadian, I often hear other Canadians lament the fact that cheaper buy at United States, that life is better, that the American across the artificial border has more individual freedom, lower taxes, greater choice and so on. Apart from the fact that this is false, many of our colleague envy of Canadians and time for the life of an American citizen. However, while some things are cheaper (fuel, for example, is about 8-15% cheaper), insurance, premiums for health, education, many foods and a myriad of other acquisitions are priced higher in Canada. At the same time, wages are generally lower for the average person to United States, social security and welfare networks are less vigorous and so on.

Many of the prejudices and biases in the world are borne by the resentment and envy, often exacerbated by the lack of true understanding. How do many in the Middle East United States aversion due to envy and ignorance? How many of us do not like the Chinese and envy of his economic power perceived due to envy about what we feel are unfair trade advantage?

Studies have consistently found that envy and jealousy leads to stress and ill health. Many other studies have concluded that envy and schadenfreude (taking pleasure in the misery of someone) are components of and contributors to health problems mental and occasionally manifest in violence and dishonesty against each other. Some develop overwhelming need to get revenge, destroy others or "Downing them."

However, the desire to achieve and acquire, often associated with greed and power, are not of themselves, negative. The desire to achieve and be the best person that one might also are at the heart of democracy and capitalism. The effort to improve the circumstances around us, satisfied with the prevailing conditions is not a negative. Envy is different from the need to be better, but based this ambition near his heart when that need is better than another person, solely for the purpose of uploading over that individual or group. "Black power" and both feminism attempted to improve the lot of these different groups, while the efforts of the Aryan Nations are aimed at belittling and break down groups that unlike white supremacists involved in that movement. Clearly, the desire of the two first is improve self or the lot in life, while the second is intended, not to be better by improving, but forcing the others down.

Some people claim that any ambition is negative. This, to me, is simply an excuse to be complacent, indifferent or indolent.

Envy is better repelled taking joy in the success, good fortune and welfare of others, and perhaps, following their examples. Jealousy is best deleted or rejected by recognizing and celebrating our own uniqueness, strengths and abilities, but does not use the benefits to take advantage of others.

Joy and inner peace does not come from failing to meet the challenges, but to embrace these challenges, overcome them and savoring the feeling that they have improved ourselves and it has been considered of others in the process.

The greatest athlete, after all, not so much compete against each other as he or she competes against and challenge himself to equal to the occasion. The most telling mark of a true champion is the way with regards to the competition after winning (or losing) competition. Very few better energy waste of envy. Why should then ourselves - weaken our physical health, our mental well-being or drive to be the best we can be - by allowing the jealousy which govern us?

Among other interests, Robert Lee is a writer who focuses on ethical considerations in business and living simply. He is the author of six books, including the last Drop of life, to minimalist guide live High Life in a low-budget and wild people have known. Their blogs include http://findingtheoasis.blogspot.com, as well as minimum life blogs, live in a yurt, harvesting wild plants and eco-innovation.