I'm beginning to get ticked off at Muslims who give the phrase Allahu Akbar (God is Great, or God is Greater) to pejorative meaning. All too frequently these days we hear that expression preceding hateful speech or acts of unimaginable depravity. By now non-Muslims are beginning to think Allahu Akbar is strictly to fanatical battle cry, the precursor to some horrific act. To me the phrase suggests, no matter what one might be going through, God is indeed Greater. In my mind it is akin to the, "this too will pass" affirmation. It should not be used to vent hate against those with whom one might disagree.
Islam professes to be a tolerant religion, the religion of peace, but you would hardly know it by the behavior of some of its most vocal representatives, or more correctly stated, mis-representatives. Muslims believe that Islam is the religion that God chose for all humankind. If this is true, why do so many Muslims appear to be angry? Haven't they been favored by God? If their God is All Knowing, All Powerful, the True Decider of All Matters Large and Small, why do these same Muslims feel have needs so much help? Fighting in the way of Allah does not mean shedding the blood of innocents. It does not mean sending men, women and children into an open marketplace with a bomb strapped to their backs. Fighting in the way of Allah is to lead by example. The Holy Quran, which is the Muslim's standard says-"There is no compulsion in religion," yet they want to kill those who believe differently. All kinds of atrocities are committed in the name of Allah, who at the very least must be annoyed because of all of the unnecessary and unwarranted help I have seems to be getting these days.
How anyone who has a clear understanding of the Quran and the example set by the Prophet Muhammad who was sent for all humankind, could believe that they will be rewarded with virgins and paradise for killing themselves and taking others with them, is beyond my comprehension. Many Muslims feel they are being unfairly targeted by the so-called enemies of Islam. I couldn't agree more with them. The true enemies of Islam are those who have taken the Islam hostage, to shield their dirtied religion. Their kind of dawah, propagation, turns people away from Islam faith. They give the false impression that Islam is a religion for fanatics. Islam condoms self - defense against oppression, not wanton violence, resulting in unnecessary bloodshed and mayhem. Some Muslims jokingly say, "If the growth of Islam was dependent upon Muslims it wouldn't be the world's fastest growing religion." Islam is supposed to represent the middle course. Too few Muslims speak out against the cacophony of those who pervert their faith. There is nothing in the Quran which could even remotely sanction the behavior of the so-called Islamic jihadist terrorists, which itself is a contradiction in terms, an oxymoron. True Islam and terror cannot coexist. The one is diametrically opposed to the other. Indeed, God is Great, and right about now, probably angry too.
Cedric McClester is an award winning journalist who has written for local, national and international publications. I has a Masters of Science Degree in Education from New York's Fordham University. The Boston born journalist is married and reside in New York. Mr. McClester is the author of the leading selling book on the topic of Kwanzaa, the African-American cultural holiday. His latest effort is a childrens book entitled: The Legend of Nia Umoja, on the Gumbs and Thomas imprint.
By: Cedric McClester, Copyright © 2007. All rights reserved.