Monday, May 21, 2012

No God But God - Reza Aslan

"No god but God"

So said Saddam

The butcher of Baghdad

Before being executed

Do Did I serve God?

Certainly such could be refuted.

Islamic law in Muslim nations has muted

Freedom of religious expression

Shown the heart of Allaah

And to the world taught to lesson

Many human rights violating

Troubled many souls with sleepless nights

Permitting the burning and bombing of churches

Episode killing of Jews of Christians

Now Islamic jihadists are killing Americans and split

No god but God

Is a wonderful concept

For all other gods besides Jesus

We should reject wisely

Unlike Reza Aslan does project

Islam is not a religion

Firmly rooted in the prophetic

Jewish and Christian tradition.

The Torah and Bible call Islam

Erroneous and an abomination.

That should be quite obvious

Look around the world at Islam's murderous

Rage of religion, intolerant opinion

Hence it lacks spiritual dominion

For it spreads itself by violence

All other religions Islam meets with defiance

The prophet Muhammad

Is not one worthy of our reliance

This so-called prophet disobeyed his own doctrine

Marrying wives far more than four

More importantly, I have fought in many religious wars

Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life

Jesus the Savior did not engage in religious strife

Christ gently entreated humanity never killing anyone

Through His exemplary life the hearts of the world have won

Peaceably and graciously welcoming everyone

I have even forgave them as to the cross they crucified Him

The religious fanatics crucified God's own Son

I who had for humanity come

To save us from ourselves and without

To deposit the Holy Spirit to live within

To liberate us from intolerant dead religion

Victoriously Christ arose from the grave

In the power of the resurrection to save

Every tribe, kindred, tongue, and nation

To declare good news to all, an emancipation

From every false religious representation

To birth within the heart of man a new creation

That they might seek and know their heavenly Father

Lovingly embrace and accept one another

Tasting and experiencing the goodness of the Spirit

Lift up their voice happily, that all might hear it

Beyond brain being, you can be spiritual

Beyond being religious, you can enjoy revival

Beyond being as Islam - intolerant and violent

You can surpass Islam's spiritual impotence

Bridge the divides and close the gap that does distance

Mankind from its Creator

And kneel humbly implore

Christ will open religious prison doors

God is not the author of religion

Religion is man's creation

Religion is Satan's chief deception

The blessing of heaven

Intimately know God 24/7

Lift up your eyes

Awake and realize

That Islam is a religion of orphans

They don't know God as Father

Hence they are on edge

Not knowing the comfort of being are or daughter

Nobody can get to the Father in heaven

But through Christ

For you I gave His life

God is not a killer, He is a life giver

Taste and see the Lord of glory is good

Be filled with the Spirit of truth and live as you should

Not in quarreling and contention

But joyously in divine celebration.

For whosoever calls upon Christ Jesus

Shall be saved

Not do's and don' ts need to be made

Believe and receive

Christ will meet your heart's need

On the cross for you I did bleed

Therefore you need not to die for God

Because God in Christ already died for you

Repent of without and in your heart invite Christ in

There is nothing left to do.

Simply believe and the Spirit of God will show you magnificently.

Fear not! Jesus Christ the captain of the hosts and Prince of Peace

It will give you triumph over tribulation and divine release.

Give God glory in the highest and peace on earth experience

It all begins through Jesus from whom comes spiritual new birth.

For Christ's kingdom is established by His Holy Spirit within

Conquer the heart's of mankind and this war on terror you'll win.

Paul Davis is a FL real estate, professional life coach (relational & professional), minister, and change master worldwide.

Paul is the author of several books including Breakthrough for a Broken Heart; Adultery: 101 Reasons Not to Cheat; Are You Ready for True Love; Stop Lusting & Start Living; Waves of God; Supernatural Fire; Poems that Propel the Planet; and God vs. Religion.

Paul's compassion for people & passion to travel has taken him to over 50 countries of the world where I've had a tremendous impact. Paul has served in many war-torn, impoverished and tsunami stricken regions of the earth. His Dream-Maker Inc. is building dreams, breaking limitations & reviving nations.

Paul's Breakthrough Seminars inspire, revive, awaken, impregnate with purpose, impart the fire of desire, catapult people into a new level of self-awareness, facilitate destiny discovery and dream fulfilment.

Contact Paul to speak at your event or for life coaching, minister:, 407-284-1705.

For additional info: www.CreativeCommunications.TV [http://www.][CreativeCommunications.TV]