So is Iran is few months far from acquiring a nuclear weapon, says Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta. As he was recently reported the, Panetta "reference to 'a facility hidden somewhere in Iran that can enrich the fuel' reflects the conviction growing among experts of Western intelligence and Middle East that Iran has fast-track its high degree in underground uranium enrichment."
Israeli diplomats, military officers and intelligence personnel were in Washington in December to argue that Iran is much more throughout its nuclear process that U.S. officials have said. Proof of this claim includes soil samples collected at nuclear sites in Iran.
According to Panetta, Iranian nuclear experts suspect Iran to achieve nuclear capability within a year possibly within months. And, finally, the administration of Obama is now publicly agree with that assessment.
It is no secret that Iran is racing toward nuclear capability in order to follow the goal of Mahdi ruled by their leaders to submit world submission to Islam. Both of the Iran spiritual leader Ali Jamenei and President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad believe they are in direct communication with the Mahdi (a.k.a. the twelfth Imam or Muslim Messiah), which has been called to this goal by following these steps:
1) delete Israel;
(2) bring the East under the yoke of Iran / Shia Islam;
(3) bring Europe under this same domination;
(4) put United States under the domination of the same;
(5) introduce global chaos, which is when the Mahdi is supposed to step on the world stage to bring the world to the presentation of Islam.
Iran leaders believe they have also aimed at developing nuclear weapons to carry out these steps towards the overall objective of the regime.
Because step one above, Israel can not allow that they Iran get nuclear capability; and British officials have announced that Israel will soon attack the Persian State. As I have spoken in the past, when Israel launches an attack on Iran, the Iranian opposition movement can also leverage the resulting chaos to overthrow the regime.
The importance of this is that when the Iranian regime falls, largest in the world of terrorism supporter can be removed, it will have an adverse impact on terrorism in the region. Indeed very possible to depose the Iranian terrorist Government will lead to the eventual (or possibly fast) defeat of terrorism.
The defeat of terrorism is necessary for the fulfillment of biblical prophecy in at least two ways. First, the Bible predicts end of time (seven years) Treaty with Israel, which will begin the clock marking in the last seven years towards the return of Christ. Currently, middle (such as Hamas and Hezbollah) terrorist groups oppose such a treaty and are willing to do what you can to avoid that.
Secondly, 1 Thessalonians 5:3 predicts that world leaders announce "Peace and security!" This will happen under the present Treaty; as they see a treaty between Israel and ten national leaders ratified, the world's leaders believe that they have achieved "peace and security" in the long term. However, there is no way leaders believe that they have obtained with "peace and security", while terrorism continues. Only the appearance of the defeat of terrorism which will bring this compliance.
It seems that God has been preparing for the possibility of taking down the Iranian regime, resulting in the defeat of terrorism. After all, internal problems and Arab uprisings pose considerable challenges to Iran. These internal problems include economic hardship, the devaluation of the Iranian currency, increase in unemployment and the erosion in the State of the Iranian clerics.
This last problem is a problem because the Iranian revolutionary model is based on the rule of clerics iron fisted. This erosion includes the growing resistance, within Iran, the concept of rule by the Supreme Leader.
Internal problems appear to be growing the movement of opposition within Iran. As conditions worsen, it simply makes sense that more to join this revolution. This includes some of the Revolutionary Guard, a powerful arm of the Government, together with other government officials.
Moreover, when falls the Syrian regime, will likely dare the Iranian opposition movement. After all, those within this uprising have been watching the courageous demonstrators in Syria who have been willing to give his life to overthrowing the current Syrian Government.
The scenario seems to be. Allow that the countdown for the fulfillment of the prophecy of the end times begin.
Doctoral work, Phoenix Seminary; M.s.,th.m, from the Greek New Testament, Dallas Theological Seminary; B.A., English, University of Northern Iowa
Author; Speaker of the Conference