Also asked to leave Great Britain upon arrival pariah Wilders is also scheduled for trial for its recent production of his piece of anti-Koran called "Fitna" video. Wilders is a species of common sense of the man with a heart of the principles of freedom of expression and an eye for anything that smacks of the strangulation of the freedom under the feigned hypocrisy of political correctness.
Although the conservative trend reports in media is full of terrible warnings, the Obama administration was fired in front with a socialist doctrine and fiscal quackery that seems little affected by warnings from anyone. Shows top conservative is tied with pop quizzes, comedy and laughing in the left wing absurdities and debate general Wilders seems more focused and their warnings pointing to social trends of Germany before the war. Do these trends gave the world the Nazi threat that cost the lives of millions of people, we should not give wilders role and our ears?
Wilders has clearly stated that he does not hate Muslims, but he hates Islam. In America where our fundamentals are all Christians and biblical according to slow the American Christianity apostasy has eroded our understanding of our own Christian principles. How can we be so expected it issued statement of Wilder about Islam?
Wilders claims that the Qur'an is a fascist book at the same level as Mein Kampf Hitler and that Islam is a Trojan that has already been received by Europe and the belly horse of that horse already has spilled outside the continent with the procedure makes of Europe all hastily. Europe become Eurabia according to Wilders if the present coddling of Muslim extremists and the wooing of the Sharia does not stop.
Wilders has taken note that while watching the freedom of expression was strangled for the sake of "peace with Muslims", a Muslim cleric pronounced a Jihad in a county or a person with relative impunity. Reported al - Qaeda calls for the murder of Wilders immediately after the release of his film and his reward of his own country was a lawsuit invoked by what the Dutch police is seen as an attempt to "incite hatred".
With murders of honour Islamically driven by the increase in worldwide, the abuse of women and anti-Christian legislation he imposed worldwide in Muslim countries, Wilders should be announced as the voice of warning and the common sense to free everyone. However, it would seem that the free world is too busy with the economic crisis, global warming and political correctness to notice.
Geert Wilders should be all the possibilities to bring his message to have in America during your visit with us. He should be given the status of hero and each ear should be tuned to hear what he has to say. Only recently a koranically honor incited murder happened in Buffalo New York, we must wait even more this kind of terror before we get wise?
Regardless of the wrong madness of old Crusaders or the dark period of the Inquisition true biblical Christianity supports never the murder of any person or the abuse of women. Does he writing has not suppressed during the dark ages the world would have known this? Since the advent of the printing press and now modern high-speed communications technologies there is little excuse of the left. Christ does not call or support the murder of any person of any religion.
If the modern world embraces a religion of death will do it despite warnings of Christ otherwise; "The ice thief not, but for to steal, kill and destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they may have more abundantly." I am the good Shepherd: the good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep. "(John 10: 10-11)"
Rev Bresciani is the author of two books Christian one that is entirely in the second coming of Christ. He is a collaborator columnist for several news online and comment sites. His articles are read worldwide. Please enjoy a visit to