Our world is at stake. There are different concerns of common interest and that they can be resolved easily. No doubt, the majority of the world's population belongs to different religions such as Christianity, Buddhism, Islam and Judaism. Really the teachings of these famous religions are quite same and based on peace and harmony, but unfortunately mankind is unable to follow the footsteps of messengers and Santos.
Moreover, religion is not the only thing that becomes the focal point of any crusade, but on the other hand the differences of culture are also doing worse. Has been shown that intercultural communication is the key to success as you can concentrate so much (religion and culture).
Different researchers have made it very clear that many conflicts in history were raised and ended up in the name of great battles. Everything occurred due to religious and cultural differences.
The most visible disaster has never been humanity was the partition of 1947 of the United India. No doubt, Muslims and Hindus live in the India with peace and harmony before that happens the partition. No matter there was some incidents of clashes between Hindus and Muslims. Also when we talk about culture, it was not so difficult to understand that both Nations were fairly close together.
But still the Indians were enjoying the peaceful life. But the unfortunate event of partition and the largest migration was the worst disaster caused by man and everything happened due to misunderstandings and mistrust between the two Nations.
The constant confrontation between Israeli and Palestinian Arabs is also another time bomb that can explode at any time. The main reason is the cultural and religious difference. The need for intercultural communication is the largest need here.
Contrary to this, there are various scholars famous religious that can spread the positive worldwide messages as there are millions of people who are really concerned about this type of messages and respond precisely. Contrary to this culture is the essence of all civilization and an integral part of our daily lives. One cannot be separated the culture as it is deeply rooted in human beings.
Definitely it's culture when talking about cultural differences. We must not forget the importance of their taboos and myths, as we are delighted our traditions slaves. No matter how much we're educated and modernized but still one can not separate from the culture and tradition. Sam in case with religion, as it is very close to our souls and nature. Separates us from both is almost impossible.
This article is about the culture. For more information on the intercultural communication