Monday, March 19, 2012

Hinduism and Islam


The Vedas are a body of intuitively won accumulated knowledge bearing the date nor any author's name. People who have contributed to this vast Fund of knowledge were all the rishis who had renounced the world. Intuition doesn't work unless one has risen to levels higher consciousness. And in order to achieve the highest levels of awareness that one has to give necessarily related with body ego. Hinduism does not emanate from an individual not figure in any of a book bearing a date. Lord Krishna said in the Bhagavad-Gita that as and when it arises the need he could embody and until today it has fulfilled the promise.

Merits and demerits

Freedom total allowed by the religion allows practitioners as the leaders think freely at all times and this is allowing religious leaders to keep the needs of the mind of changing times and interpret the teachings of the Vedas as a result. If any individual in the process of interpreting any shloka is mother by adding their own intelligence or distorts the essence of the shloka in any way there are any number of people who feel free to correct it and intellectual dialogue and explain convincingly why the particular interpretation is wrong.

Of course is the other side, in the sense of absolute freedom permitted as a result many Hindus becoming independent if not atheist. At the same time this is celebrated as a small price to pay for total freedom allowed by the religion.


On the other hand, Islam began with the Prophet - a historical reality of the sixth century! The divine revelation of the Prophet Muhammad in the 7th century was also knowledge intuitively evolved; fruit of life isolated who had led in the cave of Hira Mount for years.

Merits and demerits

Universal brotherhood is an excellent aspect of this religion. As a religion does not seem to be anything wrong on this on the other hand there is much to commend. Perhaps the Prophet had in mind barbarians were less civilized and still to come low his tutelage and who live in its vicinity within the small world of his. It was his style of approach as a warrior in order to obtain results in double quick time. Perhaps therefore in a sense, was right when he advised his followers to convert by force who are not agree to embrace Islam because it was unaware of the fact of the more advanced civilizations existed beyond the borders known to him at that time.

Day in and out Hindu sings ' Alá Ishwar tero naam' which means say Alá and Ishwar is their names. He sings with the firm conviction that God is one and their names are many. The underlying logic is very solid.

In this sense the Hinduism and Islam are exactly opposite. While the first is tolerance personified this survives and remains on the intolerance of violence. While Hinduism calls for introspection Islam on the other hand has nothing to offer even so much as an indication of introspection. While Hindu leaders believe in the interpretation of the Scriptures in the light of the realities of the land, the Muslims cannot be at peace or allow that others be at peace unless and until all the species of homo sapiens on this earth embraces his religion!(?) The element of intolerance towards other religions as well as violence in the name of religion although it may have been once relevant has outlived its purpose.

If the Islamic world is going to be diverted from the path of self-destruction is none other than the Almighty Alá can make it. But then unfortunately even this way seems to have been more or less permanently blocked by the line of the Prophet Muhammad that he is the last to visit this planet Earth.

Say that God is all powerful and at the same time they claim that it can not come in humans would be totalled contradiction in terms is not? Soon that is this really the best for religion and for the rest of the world.

He left the Bank of the India in 1995 after serving this glorious institution for more than 32 years under the voluntary retirement scheme and took acting as a career. I've been writing DECCAN HERALD, noon, COURIER PRESS for the & shipping in the evening & daily, free as also concluding Minoo Masani magazine freedom first.