Sunday, April 17, 2011

Wrong flow in Indonesia

Many Indonesians are Modernist Muslims.Image via Wikipedia
At the end of 2007, Indonesia is again shocked by the emergence of a cult that violates the creed of the Ummah Islam.Dan strange appearance like mushrooms in the rainy season, all of a sudden a lot of followers that are not small dengn juga.Al Qaeda already diperadilkan with the character Musaddeq former NII (he said hell)
. then Ahmadiyya pick up again with a restless among the ummah of Islam in Indonesia so that there is an incident in which the mass of brass officers surrounded the residence and sealing Ahmadiyah mosque.Ahmadiyah, which deliberately in the backup stream to divide British Muslims in the early 19th century, spread kesluruh city of the Muslims, the Khilafah Islamiyah apalgi when collapsed and split into 55 countries, each of which has pemimpin.Kaum Muslims like chicks that lost its mother, any attack on the Islamic Aqeedah and syariatnya either can not ditangkis Many of the younger generation and even less so embraced the ideas of invaders such as Secularism, pluralism, human rights and others.Ahmadiyah, since his birth has been convicted of heresy because it recognizes its founder as nabi.Di Indonesia, the flow of commodity-cult made for the liberal capitalism to menjajagan and campaign on freedom of religion and belief.Sebgai container MUI clerics in charge of guiding and fostering community became the target of the attack against liberals who are very anxious Ilsam development and unity of Islamic ummah, was asked for dibubarkan.sungguh strange, when the MUI running fungsnya sebgai guard instead of thought and belief ummah under attack as well, even the government requested not to follow fatwanya.sedangkan liberals who obviously Assunah mengkufuri al qur'an and even tolerated.Islam will unite with the powers that be achieved by the generation of the ummah which Mukhlis to enforce sharia and Caliphate akidahnya.dengan Islamiyah.aliran-cult would be eradicated, including the liberals.
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