Wednesday, July 21, 2010

pillars of islam

Five Pillars of Islam, is one of the pillars of religion, Islam has five pillars pillars, namely:
1. Saying two sentence creed
2. Enforce Prayer(shalat)
3. Pay the obligatory Zakat
4. Fasting in Ramadan
5. Pilgrimage for the poor.(hajj)

This is based on the Hadith Mutafaqun 'Alaih, which means:
"Abdurrahman, Abdullah ibn Umar ibn al-Khottob radiallahuanhuma he said: I heard the Messenger Shallallahu'alaihi wasallam said: Islam is built on five cases; Witnessing that there is no Ilah a right to be worshiped but Allah and that Muhammad Messenger of Allah, establish prayer, pay the obligatory zakat , perform Hajj and fasting Ramadan. "(History Turmuzi and Muslim)

Below are details of the five pillars of Islam is peace

Messenger Sholallahu 'Peace be upon Wassallam said (which means), "Islam is built upon five things."
1. "Shahada (testimony) that there is no worshiped the right to be worshiped but Allah and Muhammad is the messenger of God."
Ie we are pledged with full faith is manifested in our lives that no action is entitled to and properly worshiped but Allah, and we testify that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah and we shall obey the Messenger Shollallahu 'Peace be upon wasallam in the religion of God.

2. "And establish Prayer."
Namely to uphold Salat prayers five times especially, by performing the pillars, duties, and the County 'in it and mean it in the study of worship to pray so that in its implementation in accordance with the guidance of the Prophet Shollallahu' alayhi wasallam

3. "Giving Zakah."
Zakat tithe is an obligation for every Muslim who include mandatory zalat into class, other than that required for a Muslim if he has 85 grams of gold or money is worth to him in the first year of ownership. Large zakat is 2.5%. As for zakat in the form of money other than having a certain size (not discussed here-Ed).

4. "And Hajj to the Sacred House."
Running this Hajj for those who can perform the prayer. Able in terms of science, and physical property, the ruling becomes capable.

5. "Fasting in Ramadan."
Fasting in the month of fasting radmadhan include mandatory, big sin for Muslims who do not do it, fasting is to prevent yourself from eating and drinking and all the things they cancel from dawn until the sun sank along with the intention of fasting.

(Hadith Mutafaqun 'Alaih)